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Learners will be keeping a record of their learning.  They have a Standards Assessment Log in their binder which they record the common assessments they take.  Please check with your learner on how they are doing periodically.  If they have not mastered a standard we will be reteaching in a small group during Friday lab time.  They will then have multiple opportunities to master the standard on future assessments.

"The essence of mathematics is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple."                        ~S. Gudder

Math Assessment Log

All learners need the following materials to have a successful year in math:

- A binder with loose paper for in the binder (this is preferred over separate notebooks)
- Pencils.  I know, surprising, some learners do not bring them.
- Whiteboard markers
- Whiteboard eraser, a piece of cloth or old sock works well
- Red Pen
- Blue Pen
- Black Pen​


If there are any difficulties in acquiring these materials please let us know.


We also wanted to let you know what the expectations are for the learners in the classroom. 


  1. 1) The students will take notes each day in class.  This is done for two purposes.  It keeps them engaged in the lesson and doesn't allow them to just drift off into their own little world as they must listen and stay focused to get the correct information down.  The notes are also to be taken out and used at home as a reminder on how to solve the problems and further clarification.  They are humans like all of us and do forget things over a period of hours from class to later at home.  We will also post notes on the website in case your learner missed a day or lost the notes.  ​

  2. 2) Students will also be interacting with each other in the classroom and we would like for them to participate by asking questions or volunteering answers.  In addition, students will show understanding of the concepts by doing whiteboard problems.  This is our way of checking for understanding and have as much student engagement as possible. 

  3. 3) We would also like for students to complete the independent practice problems at home.  We will typically give between 5-8 problems.  Some students may complete them in class.

Materials Needed in Class

Under Construction...

We're working on re-vamping the math team website to reflect the new Common Core curriculum.  We hope to have something up soon.  Thanks for your patience! 

The Math Guys...


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